Mindful Therapy

Every one has felt anxious at some point in their lives, but sometimes anxiety can take over life. This can present in such a way that you feel constantly on edge, you feel physically ill all the time, it seems like your mind is racing, or all of that and more. With these types of experiences, it is no wonder that you're struggling to feel able to live your best life. With a mindful approach, I can teach you how to interact with your anxiety in a new way so that, even when you do feel anxious or on edge, you are able to keep living the kind of life you want. We can work together to take that control out of the hands of anxiety and put you back in the drivers seat of your life.
Depression, like anxiety, can take many forms. For example, some people experience depression as a dark cloud hanging over their heads while others experience it as more of a generalized numbness; they don't feel sad necessarily, but they don't feel anything else either. Both of these experiences can make it difficult to get out bed let alone to live the kind of life you want. Worse, many of the things that are supposed to "help" may feel like just one more struggle that you don't have the energy for today. It is possible to break free from the constant cycle of battles that you've been locked in and get to a place where you can not only live, but thrive. With a mindfulness-based approach, we can work together to develop a plan that will allow you to stop struggling with your depression and get down to the business of figuring out the kind of life you want and living it!
In recent years, people have become much more aware of the psychological effects of traumatic experiences, especially military and combat service, but it is important to remember that not all trauma happens in military situations. Traumatic experiences can take many forms and all people deserve the opportunity to process and heal from their experience regardless of when/where it happened. Many times, trauma affects not only the person who experienced it, but others in their life as well and relationships can become highly disrupted. With collaborative, mindful treatment it is possible to reconnect and repair old relationships and to learn how to develop new, healthier relationships. You can step back into your life and direct it in the way that feels best for you. It's time to take back control of your life so that you're in charge of making choices instead of letting the trauma do it for you!
"The only constant in life is change." -Heraclitus
There will always be change in life. Sometimes, the change will be something you have expected or even hoped for, but other times it will be unexpected or undesirable. Change can be stressful regardless of the circumstances and will likely take adjustment on your part. Working together, we can develop coping skills to deal with the stress you're experiencing while also clearing the way to develop a plan for the adjustments you'll need to make to continue living your best life in these new circumstances.
Life happens and it isn't always possible to make it in to the office for an appointment. Whether a scheduling issue comes up and makes it impossible to attend session in person one week, you're going out of town for a while, or it's simply not reasonable to regularly carve out enough time in your day to participate in therapy AND commute to the office, we can work around your needs. We offer services via a secure online platform that allows you to participate in therapy from the comfort of your own space without the commute. So, whether you're out of our area or you're just not up for the traffic, we can still work with you to help you live your best life.